Late Night

Tom-Tom Club feat. C’mone & Twit One
2G+ Regelung // Geimpft oder Genesen + zusätzlich tagesaktueller Antigen-Schnelltest
What is a city, a scene or a club without its local DJs? The new Tom-Tom Club series dedicates itself to local heroes, offering them a well-outfitted stage and DJ booth in the shimmering splendor of the new homespot JAKI. Tom-Tom Club is an open space for exchange, discovery, and unlimited genre-free body-music adventures — in short, your new favorite club night.
Every Saturday night, from 23:00 until late — all music lovers, dancers, listeners, freaks, and non-freaks are welcome!
Hip-Hop, Brazil
JAKI Beginn 23:00
5 € Abendkasse
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