VERLEGT: Urlaub in Polen (Zusatzkonzert)
Nachholtermin vom 24.11.2020. Das Konzert muss leider verschoben werden. Der Ersatztermin wird baldmöglichst auf der Seite des Veranstalters bekannt gegeben ( Bereits gekaufte Tickets behalten Ihre Gültigkeit.
Nine years have passed since Urlaub in Polen announced its dissolution with the release of its fifth album Boldstriker. But drummer Jan Philipp Janzen and multi-instrumentalist and singer Georg Brenner have always formed one of those rare and highly unlikely bands who, despite market laws to the contrary, have put the context of their own work above trends and opportunities - without denying that they inhabit a particular historical moment. Thus, on All, their unexpected sixth album, it becomes immediately clear that the term "reunion", at least in the common sense, does not do justice to the matter. For Allist is light years away from offering a lukewarm infusion of former recipes for success. Instead, the album is highly ambitious and sounds fresh in its concentrated performance - and yet not like a debut. For the considerable advantages of a long-term musical relationship are noticeable at every point on the album. This does not only refer to the tightness of playing together, which was and is actually so unbelievable, as everyone who has seen Urlaub in Polen live says. It also means a musical level of familiarity with oneself and with each other, which is difficult to reach, and which has always carried the musical journeys of exploration of the band and which balances the dynamics and structures of All as a whole. The play of these interactions is accentuated by the production, for which Janzen (founding member of Von Spar, current drummer of Die Sterne and producer of Die Sterne, The Field, PTTRNS, Albrecht Schrader etc.) and Brenner are also responsible. Allpresenting their most formally coherent album to date, Urlaub in Polen is nevertheless anything but a genre work: The songs have in common that the band's architecture is reminiscent of Krautrock and that places the far-reaching synthesizer and guitar figures on the foundation of a finely woven rhythm arrangement. The echoes of West Coast pop (the harmonies and the bass!), Rhenish techhouse and early Dire Straits (the vocals and guitar production!) make Allaber a typically versatile and internationalist event. The album shares with the previous albums the interest and attention for tonal textures and contrasts, but is more reserved and concentrated. Instead of noise, details and the enormous joy of playing between Brenner and Janzen come to the fore, equally in the stoic desertkrauthits "Impulse Response" and "THDT", the polyrhythmic number "Overall" or the discoid "Proxy Music". All as a musical statement thus bears witness to the fact that it is not a musical niche or content that is decisive for vacations in Poland, but rather formal considerations and the ever new presence of playing together: All thus stands for nothing more and nothing less than the latest expansion of their oeuvre.
Jan Philipp Janzen (guitar, vocals), Georg Brenner (drums), Philipp Tielsch (bass)
Indie, Electronic
concert hall Start 20:00 Doors 19:00
14 € Presale Please note: vendors of presale-tickets may charge additional fees.
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