
Matthias Schwengler © Nadine Targiel
VERLEGT: Jazz at JAKI: Matthias Schwengler Soulcrane
Das Konzert muss leider auf den 18.06.2022 verlegt werden: Bereits gekaufte Tickets behalten ihre Gültigkeit.
With "Soulcrane" Matthias Schwengler presents a sound body that brilliantly understands how to bring retro feeling and new approaches under one hat. On their second album "Another Step We Take" (Mons Records), the musicians once again work together compositionally on a sonic work and always remain on a chamber music level with the warm character of this music. An atmosphere is created that resembles a conversation between friends. Soulcrane convinces with an almost familiar personality and makes clear how haunting especially the quiet tones can be. Each instrument has equal rights and the four musicians from Cologne always know how to fill the large playing space in a musically valuable way. Together they appear quite naturally as a collective and radiate great harmony and inner peace.
Matthias Schwengler (trumpet), Matthew Halpin (saxophone), Reza Askari (bass), Philipp Brämswig (guitar)
jaki Start 20:00 Doors 19:30
12 €/8 € red. Presale Please note: vendors of presale-tickets may charge additional fees. 12 €/8 € red. Box Office
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