
Savina Yannatou © Terry Burlace

Savina Yannatou & Primavera en Salonico with Lamia Bedioui - "Watersong"

Water and the lack of it.
The rain, the sea, rivers, springs, nymphs, drops, tears, the water of the body, the body in the water, the castaway, the sailor, the immigrant, the drowned.
"Those are pearls that were his eyes"
The song of Ariel
Our body

Greek singer and composer Savina Yannatou explores water in the way of song in her ECM album "Watersong" together with the ensemble Primevera en Salonico . These are pieces in a variety of languages that pass on traditions and myths about water in relation to life and death, desire and purification, fertility and magic. Joining them is Tunisian singer Lamia Bedioui , who brings the world of the desert to life with her characteristic tone color and in Arabic. These pieces interweave with songs from the Mediterranean area from Renaissance to modern times. Instruments such as oud, quanun, violin, accordion, percussion, waterphone, mbira and double bass accompany the voices in a contemporary approach to the material that balances the traditional aspects with playful arrangements and free improvisation.

Tue, 14.03.2023
Concert Highlight!

Savina Yannatou (vocals), Lamia Bedioui (vocals), Primavera en Salonico: Kostas Vomvolos (kanonaki, accordion), Haris Lambrakis (nay), Kyriakos Gouventas (violin), Yannis Alexandris (oud), Michalis Siganidis (double bass), Kostas Theodorou (percussion)

Jazz, World Music, Fusion

concert hall Start 20:00 Doors 19:00

24 €/16 € red. Presale Please note: vendors of presale-tickets may charge additional fees.

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