
Kölner Bühnensommer mit Afra & Easy Easy

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Easy Easy
With their debut EP "Lemon Squeezy" the Cologne band Easy Easy will release five songs on 05.03.2021, which convince with authentic sound and varied songwriting. The project was born in the spring of 2020 and was forced by the circumstances of the last year to move the music from the rehearsal room to the specially built home studio of the guys. Professionally produced, arranged and mixed by the audio engineers Leon Sieland and Leon Laguna de la Vera, guitar and bass licks carried by electronic beats form a round sound that already heralds the festival summer in spring.
in the spring. Their songs pick up on the everyday things in life. While "all i need" and "all about you" introduce the EP and deal with classic relationship problems, "wake up at noon" asks THE questions about the future. Where is it going, why do we already miss our youth, lost somewhere along the way, and why can't I get out of bed before 12 o'clock again? Cast

Afra makes music with heart and mind. Musically, the Cologne artist moves in the intersection of soul, jazz, pop, hip hop and afrobeat. Her German lyrics are thoughtful, empowering, socially critical and yet always exude a large portion of optimism. In combination with her soulful, and also casual-cool singing style, her music spreads a spirit that combines profundity and lightness.

The "Kölner Bühnensommer 2021" is an event of the city of Cologne and is supported in the program Kultursommer 2021 by the Beauftrage der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien (BKM) with funds from NEUSTART KULTUR.

Tue, 03.08.2021

Carlo Lüdorf (vocals, guitar), Luis Seinsche (guitar, backing vocals), Merdi Mavuidi (guitar), Julien Schenk (bass), Robin Frank (drums)

Jazz, Pop, Soul, Indie, Hip Hop

GREEN ROOM Start 19:00 Doors 18:00

Free admission

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