Klaeng Festival 2023 Event © Holger Risse (everything)
KLAENG Festival #2
Gille-Ducret-Black / Coudoux-Debacker-Landfermann-Pechlof / Pablo Held Quartet feat. Caroline Davis, Benn Street & Leif Berger
In spring we are already looking forward to the KLAENG Festival at Stadtgarten. Artist in Residence is the double bassist, composer and singer Fuensanta Méndez from Mexico, who will be heard in various formations during the festival. The program will be complemented by no less interesting projects and encounters of musicians from the German and international music scene.
Program 01.04.
►Gille - Ducret - Black
►Coudoux - Debacker - Landfermann - Pechlof
►Pablo Held Quartet feat. Caroline Davis - Ben Street - Leif Berger
Gille - Ducret - Black
Sebastian Gille - soprano and tenor saxophone
Marc Ducret - guitar
Jim Black - drums
Three special characters create a special atmosphere together: Sebastian Gille, Marc Ducret and Jim Black interact in mutual respect and invent an immensely dense, atmospheric music, characterized by stylistic coherence and sonic uniqueness. They are never concerned with the quick effect, but rather with the search for the subtle structures and their deeper meanings. Here, too, the (concert) space is decisive: KLAENGster Sebastian Gille opens it up with his unmistakable, multi-faceted saxophone voice that is as fragile as it is highly emotional, drummer Jim Black structures it with his phenomenal sculptural stylistics, while guitarist Marc Ducret's art has always been to generously open up spaces for the common search of all participants. Just think of his two "ABC" albums, with which he once spelled the art of trio jazz in a completely different way!
Coudoux - Debacker - Landfermann - Pechlof.
Elisabeth Coudoux - cello
Marlies Debacker - prepared piano
Kathrin Pechlof - harp
Robert Landfermann - double bass
This is, above all, about sound exploration: about the inexhaustible curiosity about what musical instruments generate beyond the "well-tempered" in terms of moods, tones and timbres. It is also about interacting and improvising together, and that in a (resonant) space with listeners, in which it echoes, resounds and new tuning systems arise spontaneously. It could hardly be more exciting and experimental than in this quartet: Elisabeth Coudoux, Marlies Debacker, Kathrin Pechlof and Robert Landfermann are linked by longstanding, trusting relationships, grown out of their experiences with free improvisation, new music and jazz.
Pablo Held Quartet feat. Caroline Davis, Ben Street & Leif Berger
Pablo Held - piano
Caroline Davis - saxophone
Ben Street - double bass
Leif Berger - drums
For five years now, the concert series "Pablo Held Meets" has been a fixture in Cologne's cultural landscape. Each concert features a new line-up with its own repertoire. And this new line-up for the KLAENG Festival convinces once again with a fantastic line-up: The two US-Americans, saxophonist Caroline Davis and double bassist Ben Street meet the Cologne-based Leif Berger and Pablo Held. As with no other concert in the Meets series, you know where the musical journey will take you. After all, one can assume that Caroline Davis is likely to play a decisive role: More than "just" an exquisite saxophonist, she shapes her albums as intricately structured, instrumentally rich total works of art at the intersection of complex music, social engagement and cognitive science.
Go here for KLAENG Festival #1 (Mar. 31)
Go here for KLAENG Festival #3 (04/02)
Pablo Held feat. Caroline Davis, Ben Street & Leif Berger: Pablo Held (piano), Caroline Davis (saxophone), Ben Street (double bass), Leif Berger (drums), Coudoux • Debacker • Landfermann • Pechlof: Elisabeth Coudoux (cello), Marlies Debacker (prepared piano), Kathrin Pechlof (harp), Robert Landfermann (double bass), Gille • Ducret • Black: Sebastian Gille (soprano saxophone, tenorsaxophone), Marc Ducret (guitar), Jim Black (drums)
concert hall Start 19:00 Doors 18:00
28 €/14 € red. Presale Please note: vendors of presale-tickets may charge additional fees. 31 €/16 € red. Box Office
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