Just Another Foundry © Jonas Loellmann
Jazz at JAKI: Just Another Foundry
Simply three individuals, simply a trio, Just Another Jazz Band. After two released studio albums, various awards, over a hundred played concerts and several tours worldwide, Just Another Foundry from Cologne raise their work to the next level.
Their new album is a synergy of the matured acoustic trio sound and electronic live processing. In collaboration with electronic artists Marc Alberto (indie pop, sound art) from Amsterdam and Jonatan Uranes (noise, DIY artist) from Copenhagen, the band is processed or alienated live in terms of color, sound and space. Within this framework, the band composed and tested dedicated new pieces with these guests, aiming for an electroacoustic symbiosis. Music of the big city and yet of their own roots. Music that reflects the fire of a new generation.
"As for the union of analog instrumental sounds with electronics, I have heard little that I find as compelling and exciting as this." - Odilo Clausnitzer, WDR3
"Jazz, punk and hip-hop blend "Just Another Foundry" into an explosive mixture." - Oliver Hochkeppel, Süddeutsche Zeitung
Jonas Engel (saxophone), Florian Herzog (double bass), Anthony Greminger (drums)
jaki Start 20:00 Doors 19:30
12 €/8 € red. Presale Please note: vendors of presale-tickets may charge additional fees. 15 €/10 € red. Box Office
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