Christoph Grab’s Blossom © Artist
Jazz at JAKI: Christoph Grab’s Blossom
Nachholtermin vom 15.04.2023 - bereits gekaufte Tickets behalten Ihre Gültigkeit.
"This is visionary no-nonsense jazz with the power of the former Loft Scene, a pinch of Mingus and a dash of David Murray. With Grab, sophisticated time changes and powerful swing are not mutually exclusive. He still plays his horn with the earthiness of a Ben Webster and the intervallic joy of a Bennie Wallace." Thus describes the German jazz critic Hans Jürgen Schaal in the magazine Jazzthetik the new album BLOSSOM.
After the great success with REFLECTIONS (2017-2021 countless concerts, two albums, internationally very good reviews and the "Preis der deutschen Schallplattenkritik" for the second album "Live at Haberhaus"), BLOSSOM is the latest stroke of the busy Swiss saxophonist, who expands his trio for Blossom with the Bern-based American Ralph Alessi on trumpet.
Christoph Grab is also internationally active with his jazz projects RAW VISION (with Graupe, Lüscher, Walser, Paratte), and his Hammond trio TOUGH TENOR. Besides his work as a freelancer in the Swiss jazz scene, he belongs to many permanent formations e.g. Zurich Jazz Orchestra, Christoph Steiner's Escape Argot, Reto Anneler's Stille Post, ELLINGTONALITY, Axel Fischbacher Oktett, etc. His intensive involvement with live electronics and his performances with toys hacked and modified into sound machines also gained him attention in the electronic and DJ scene. In addition to his active musicianship, Christoph Grab has been a professor of saxophone and improvisation at the Jazz Faculty of the Zurich University of the Arts since 1998.
Christoph Grab (tenor & alto saxophone), Ralph Alessi (trumpet), Pius Baschnagel (drums), Lukas Traxel (bass)
jaki Start 20:00 Doors 19:30
12 €/8 € red. Presale Please note: vendors of presale-tickets may charge additional fees. 15 €/10 € red. Box Office
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