
Jazz at Green Room: Sebastian Gahler Quartett

The jazz quartet album by Düsseldorf pianist and composer Sebastian Gahler takes you into the surreal world of the Japanese bestselling author Haruki Murakami. It is well known that the Japanese world writer Haruki Murakami loves jazz. Sebastian Gahler's current album proves that the opposite is also true: jazz loves Murakami. With Two Moons, the Düsseldorf jazz pianist and composer has created a small, fine collection of literature turned into music. Within just four months, the album achieved over 2 million streams on Spotify, Apple Music and Co. In his pieces, he brings well-known novel characters to life or picks up literary motifs from Murakami's works. With Denis Gäbel on saxophone, Matthias Akeo Nowak on bass and Ralf Gessler on drums, Gahler has recruited some of the best German jazz musicians for his project. Special guest Ryan Carniaux also adds highlights on trumpet. The result is a varied jazz album that tells not just one, but many stories.

Sebastian Gahler is a pianist, keyboardist and composer - and a master of his craft. He graduated with honors as a jazz pianist from the Cologne University of Music. With Two Moons - music inspired by the works of Haruki Murakami, his first concept album was released in September 2022. Gahler curates several concert series in Düsseldorf - he cares a lot about a lively jazz scene in his hometown. His melodic modern jazz pieces remain in the memory - like well-told stories.

Sun, 25.06.2023

Denis Gäbel (saxophone), Sebastian Gahler (piano), Matthias Akeo Nowak (bass), Silvio Morger (drums)


GREEN ROOM Start 18:00 Doors 17:00

12 €/8 € red. Presale Please note: vendors of presale-tickets may charge additional fees.

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