
Jazz at Green Room: Bruno Müller Jazztrio feat. Denis Gäbel

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Born in Cologne, Bruno Müller is a constant in the German and European jazz scene. He has been on the road for many years as a sideman with many top-class artists, stylistically incredibly versatile. Till Brönner, Mezzoforte, Jeff Cascaro, Max Mutzke, to name but a few. Nevertheless, he always takes time for his own projects. With the Bruno Müller Jazztrio feat. Denis Gäbel he presents his love for modern, always swinging guitar jazz.

Table for 2: 20,00 €
Table for 4: 40,00 €

Sun, 01.08.2021
Concert Highlight!

Bruno Müller (guitar), Denis Gäbel (saxophone), Martin Gjakonovski (double bass), Niklas Walter (drums)


GREEN ROOM Start 18:00 Doors 17:00

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