
Jazz at Green Room: BELOW / KLÖFFER / BERGER

The musicians in this line-up are united by an immense love of jazz coupled with a great openness to new sounds. Their interest reaches far beyond jazz - even far beyond the art genre of music. Genres must be transcended: That is one of the goals in jazz. Acceptance, openness and, in the best case, the complete elimination of ideologies - this is what the music of this trio expresses. In this concert, the Cologne musicians - all active members of the German jazz scene - will give the audience an insight into their personal list of absolute favourites. The focus is on using the individuality of all three musicians as a source of inspiration. This playing attitude develops from the necessary integrity, which all members of this trio bring with them in enormous measure.

table for 2: 20,00 €
Table for 4: 40,00 €

Sat, 11.09.2021
Concert Highlight!

Simon Below (piano), Nico Klöffer (double bass), Leif Berger (drums)


GREEN ROOM Start 20:00 Doors 19:00

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