
Fuchstone Orchestra - reloaded #3

2021 the FUCHSTHONE ORCHESTRA was nominated for the German Jazz Award in the category "Large Ensemble of the Year". This reflects the immense motivation and innovative power of this still relatively young ensemble.
Now it continues undaunted - after the orchestra has navigated its way through the shoals of the pandemic - hopefully with a complete line-up and in any case:
full speed ahead!

The title "Fuchsthone reloaded" stands for a regular concert series of the FUCHSTHONE ORCHESTRA in its Cologne "homebase", the "European centre for contemporary and improvised music".

Twice a year, the two composers and directors of the ensemble, Christina Fuchs and Caroline Thon, present new or further developed compositions with a love of experimentation.

The term "reloaded" stands for the idea and the striving for constant renewal and for the search for ever new sounds. The repertoire of the FUCHSTHONE ORCHESTRA changes permanently and remains full of surprises.

This is the common basis and the enormous potential of the musicians of the FUCHSTHONE ORCHESTRA and their two directors Christina Fuchs and Caroline Thon.
In each new "reloaded" episode, the audience can expect predominantly world premieres and one can always be curious about something new!

Sat, 11.12.2021

Christina Fuchs (conduction, composition), Caroline Thon (conduction, composition), Roger Hanschel, Martin Gasser, Matthew Halpin, Jens Böckamp, Susanne Weidinger (saxophones, clarinets, flutes), Christian Mehler, Matthias Knoop, John-Dennis Renken, Matthias Bergmann (trumpets), Philipp Schittek, Matthias Schuller, Matthias Muche (trombones), Wolf Schenk (bass trombone, tuba), Zuzana Leharova (violin), Barbara Barth (voice), Laia Genc (piano), Andreas Wahl (guitar), Alex Morsey (double bass), Jens Düppe (drums), Eva Pöpplein (electronics)

Electronica, Jazz-Orchestra

concert hall Start 20:00 Doors 19:00

18 €/12 € red. Presale Please note: vendors of presale-tickets may charge additional fees. 18 €/12 € red. Box Office

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