
Borderlands © Artist

Borderlands Trio w/ Stephan Crump, Kris Davis & Eric McPherson

Following their stunning debut album Asteroida, the New York trio Borderlands featuring Stephan Crump, Kris Davis and Eric McPherson follow up with a double CD of four beautiful improvisations ranging in length from twenty to forty minutes. Recorded during the Corona pandemic in New York in December 2020, the music contrasts the New York mood of isolation and depression with a unique joy of playing, intensity and musical intimacy.

Chicago/Berlin jazz critic Peter Margasak writes in the liner notes, "The pieces float, sway, swing, breathe, swoosh and sparkle without ever revealing a hesitation or a rut. A great play with spontaneity. These four amazing explorations reflect a kind of total music." Full of enthusiasm, he writes, "Almost telepathically, Borderlands builds a unified sonic architecture that celebrates the act of collective improvisation as profoundly, as beautifully, and as completely as anything I've ever heard."

Sat, 02.12.2023
Concert Highlight!

Kris Davis (piano), Stephan Crump (bass), Eric Mc Person (drums)

Jazz, Improvisation

concert hall Start 20:00 Doors 19:00

22 €/12 € red. Presale Please note: vendors of presale-tickets may charge additional fees. 25 €/15 € red. Box Office nur Kartenzahlung

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