
BRUNKE © Artist
Ausverkauft: Brunke Tour 2022
Nachholtermin vom 16.11.2021 - bereits gekaufte Karten behalten ihre Gültigkeit. // Ausverkauft. Es wird keine Abendkasse geben.
One year after the success of his EP campaign, Berlin producer, singer and songwriter BRUNKE with 4 walls finally comes up with new music for the fans. After BRUNKE released a new song and video every month in 2018/19, taking his community on a personal journey "Richtung Ich", things became calmer around him. Instead of going further forward, he stopped once to pause and reflect on the past. Sometimes it takes time to get new creative impulses. But what has changed? Every year the same stories, the same faces, the same promises and the ever-recurring emotional carousel. Somehow everything has been told. BRUNKE deliberately locked himself up in his home studio for the last year. Four white walls thus became the very own cosmos of his creativity. What came out of it were the ideas and sensations that were reflected and directly absorbed by the blank walls. His new music breaks new ground for German music. Somewhere between catchy pop and alternative sounds lies the aesthetic of his understanding of sound. Rarely has pop music from Germany sounded so naturally international without appearing intentional. Rather, one can hear their unfiltered statements directly without hiding behind artificial walls of poetry and image. Direct, even if it hurts. In autumn 2020, the young songwriter, multi-instrumentalist and producer will finally be back on the boards that mean the world - ALL YEARS REPEAT - TOUR 2020, taking his band on tour again.
Support: Felicia Lu
An event of a.s.s. concerts.
jaki Start 20:00 Doors 19:30
20 € Presale Please note: vendors of presale-tickets may charge additional fees.
Stadtgarten-Cards are NOT valid for this event
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