KLAENG Festival 2024 © KLAENGkollektiv
KLAENG Festival 2024
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Boundaries blur and genres collide - the 15th edition of the international KLAENG Festival presents the "now" of contemporary music at Cologne's Stadtgarten from March 15 - 17.
Saturday, 16.03.
Dell Lillinger Westergaard + Bob Degen
Christian Wallumrod Ensemble
Wallis Bird - Solo
Dell Lillinger Westergaard + Bob Degen
"In March 2021, Christopher Dell, Christian Lillinger and Jonas Westergaard met pianist Bob Degen on sacred ground in the Black Forest, the MPS studio in Villingen is still in operation and of course provides magical sound. The quartet was given two days of studio time. Whether it was their idea or a marketing measure, Supermodern is the name of this homage to the Modern Jazz Quartet, which was founded 70 years ago. The music is original and one influence could be another "big B": Boulez. But there is also a lot of classic swing on Supermodern. During the piece "Phenomenology", for example, Lillinger and Westergaard swing like hell, while Degen and Dell make melody crystals sparkle. It is a special treat to hear Bob Degen in this setting. And still: super modern." - Andreas Müller
Bob Degen - Piano
Christpher Dell - vibraphone
Christian Lillinger - drums
Jonas Westergaard - Bass
Christian Wallumrød Ensemble
Wallumrød's long-standing collaboration with producer Manfred Eicher led to five releases with CWE on ECM Records, and the album Outstairs (2013) was awarded a Norwegian Grammy. The ensemble has also released the albums Kurzsam and Fulger (2016) and Many (2020, nominated for Norwegian Grammys) on Hubro Music. All albums have been enthusiastically received by critics and audiences around the world, and several of them have also landed on various annual best lists in national and international media.
"I hardly know anyone who has brought more innovation to Norwegian music life in recent decades than Christian Wallumrød", Arild R. Andersen, Aftenposten
"The album is a masterpiece, from one of the most important living improvisers and composers", Andy Hamilton, Jazz Journal (about the release "Many")
Christian Wallumrød - piano, harmonium
Eivind Lønning - trumpet
Espen Reinertsen - tenor saxophone
Tove Törngren - cello
Per Oddvar Johansen - drums, vibraphone
Wallis Bird Solo
"Expressive vocals, sometimes tender, sometimes rebellious, always pure and undisguised, driving rhythms and an extraordinary guitar style: these are the trademarks of Wallis Bird." (Siegessäule) With titles such as "HAND" or "NINE AND A HALF SONGS FOR NINE AND A HALF FINGERS" (in reference to a childhood accident in which her left hand was permanently damaged), Bird focuses on herself and raises issues that are difficult to deal with - issues such as confidence, alcohol abuse, stagnation, self-censorship and self-improvement. With her extraordinary creativity, but above all her joy and empathy, she carefully addresses each topic. The first single "What's Wrong With Changing?" offers a promising first glimpse of the upcoming LP. Inspired by the rhythmic discipline of Janet Jackson's albums Control, Rhythm Nation 1814 and janet, the song is driven by crisp chord progressions with an attractive drive. Bursting with ingenuity and brashness, it is the epitome of BIRD's uninhibited creativity - a testament to their highly regarded and fearless temperament.
concert hall Start 19:00 Doors 18:00
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