
Hannah Jadagu © Sterling Smith
Hannah Jadagu
Support: Liv Alma
As soon as she left high school, Hannah Jadagu moved from Texas to New York to study music. Around this time, she was also working on her debut EP What Is Going On, which she recorded on her iPhone. However, her unconventional approach to making music and instinctive ability to write memorable hooks belies the intensity of the subject matter. In 16 minutes, she confronted listeners with some of the nation's most pressing struggles through her compassionate perspective. Renowned label Sub Pop signed her and also released her first album Aperture this year. On it, Jadagu continues to tackle these issues: "Where I grew up, everyone is a Christian. Even if you don't go to church, you're still a believer in some way." Moving away from her small hometown made her think about how deeply Christianity is anchored in the culture there and what actually defines the country. "Aperture" refers to the aperture of a camera, a hole, a gap, a mechanism through which the light falls and which enables the person taking the photo to immortalize a moment in time. For Jadagu, the word perfectly sums up the mood of her debut album. There were certainly dark moments in the years it took her to complete the album, but the process of creating it, her first time in a professional studio, was ultimately a cathartic experience that she now shares with us. And just as light can always look and feel different, so too is the music on this record. Somewhere between bedroom pop, college rock, R'n'B and indie, Jadagu sings about contemporary America. While her EP contained a lot of reverb and her vocals came across as shy as a result, she chose what she calls a more intimate, closer, but also more variable approach for the recordings for the LP. Hannah Jadagu lets the light in, live with us next March.
Presented by: kulturnews, taz., Bedroomdisco.
An event by prime entertainment GmbH.
Indie Folk, Pop, RnB
jaki Start 20:00 Doors 19:30
21 € Presale Please note: vendors of presale-tickets may charge additional fees.
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