Jamaram meets Jahcoustix © Julie Key
Ausverkauft: Jamaram meets Jahcoustix
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Jamaram, the reggae eight-piece that has been considered unsinkable since it was founded at the turn of the millennium, with thousands of live shows under its belt, is far from flat!
Join Jamaram live & direct in the fight against the death of clubs and festivals, against courtship on cell phones and couch potatoes with dope, booze and Netflix.
The band stands for peace, cosmopolitanism and respect, against war, intolerance and isolation. Without borders and walls - colorful diversity and joie de vivre, in real life as well as in music.
As usual, the stunning live show offers bass-heavy modern roots, dubvise, afrobeat, hip hop and urban grooves, it's a massive kick in the legs, sauna & escalation guaranteed. For the mind and for relaxation, there are one or two heartbreaking ballads and intelligent songwriting storytelling.
This time as a guest: long-term homie and reggae veteran Jahcoustix.
Support: False Money
Falschgeld are young, from Munich and make dirty indie pop rock with German lyrics, stylistically somewhere between TonSteineScherben, Wanda and AnnenMayKantereit. Falschgeld's debut album (released in 2024) was produced with the help of Franz Ferdinand guitarist Nick McCarthy, and the nonchalant first single "Steh auf dem Dach" (released in December 2023) is about the feeling of not being able to get any more ground under your feet despite having a goal and salvation in sight.
Hip Hop, Reggae, Afrobeat, Dub, Modern Roots
concert hall Start 20:00 Doors 19:00
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