KLAENG Festival 2023
The KLAENG Festival im Stadtgarten has changed its season and will from now on take place in spring from 2023. Artist in Residence of the coming edition is the double bassist, composer and singer Fuensanta Méndez from Mexico, who will be able to hear in various formations during the 3-day festival. The programme will be complemented by no less interesting projects and encounters with musicians from the German and international music scene.
Fuensanta Méndez
Artist in Residence
Born and raised in the water forest of Veracruz, Mexico, Fuensanta was supported as a "Talent in Residence" by the New Amsterdam Foundation. It was in Amsterdam that she brought together musicians from all over the world in June 2021 for a phenomenal performance of poetry and folklore, jazz and improvisation: the Ensamble Grande.
►"Music for mellotron, trombone, voice & drums“
(Fuensanta Méndez feat. Pablo Held, Shannon Barnett & Louis Cole)
►Frederik Köster, Kika Sprangers & Michel Godard
►Tobias Hoffmann Quartett
(Tobias Hoffmann, Benjamin Omerzell, Frank Schönhofer, Jan Philipp)
►Gille • Ducret • Black
►Coudoux • Debacker • Landfermann • Pechlof
►Pablo Held Quartet feat. Caroline Davis • Ben Street • Leif Berger
►Deadeye feat. Otis Sandsjö
►Ella Zirina Solo
►Fuensanta & Ensamble Grande