Jon And Roy
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It's been just over two years since Jon and Roy played their first show on the European continent. Four rours, nine countriers, and sixty-fice shows later, the band is ready to embark on their fifth run of European concerts this March 2019. This time they will be bringing with them their brand new album. 'Here' due out February 2019 (or whatever, album should drop a month before we do the tour I think so fans have time to digest.) Recorded in the woods of Vancouver Island over the Summer and Fall of.
Eine Veranstaltung vom Konzertbüro Schoneberg.
Studio 672 Beginn 20:30
22 € Vorverkauf Bitte beachten: Im Vorverkauf können je nach Anbieter Gebühren anfallen. 25 € Abendkasse
Für diese Veranstaltung gelten KEINE Stadtgarten-Cards
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