Reconstructing Song: Les Filles De Illighadad
Future Tuareg music from the female led avant-rock group Les Filles de Illighadad. Mixing traditional percussion with electric guitars, Les Filles brings ancient village folk music into the modern era. Drawing on traditional tende music, the forgotten inspi- ration of Tuareg guitar, Fatou and Les Filles breath new life into the genre. Hypnotic guitar riffs, driving rhythm, and polyphonic resonant vocals combine to create organic sound, that is both timeless and natural. A wholly original project, from a band that just last year had never left their village. Their first studio production...
concert hall Start 20:00
13 €/11 € red. Presale Please note: vendors of presale-tickets may charge additional fees. 15 €/12 € red. Box Office
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