
Ray Anderson © Erika Kapin

Ray Anderson’s TREEOMITREE

Exciting, different, absolutely extraordinary - Treeomitree. The brand new trio of trombonist Ray Anderson inspires with a wild mixture of unconventional creativity and experimentation. Anderson's style is as always: unconventional, striking, snotty and cheeky. His trademark is his ability to effortlessly switch back and forth between genres. Fascinated by musical diversity, he manages to integrate the multiphonic technique into his singing voice and play several notes at the same time. Drummer Jeremy Carlstedt and bassist Hilliard Greene complete the trio to form a fascinating fusion of concentrated experience, skill and - how could it be otherwise - a bit of craziness. The sound: intuitive, experimental and always open to virtuoso surprises.

Thu, 20.02.2025
Concert Highlight!

Ray Anderson (trombone), Hilliard Greene (bass), Jeremy Carlstedt (drums)


concert hall Start 20:00 Doors 19:00

22 €/12 € red. Presale Please note: vendors of presale-tickets may charge additional fees. 25 €/15 € red. Box Office nur Kartenzahlung

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