
Anneleen Boehme © Sven Dullaert

DeBerenGieren © Francis Vanhee

Anneleen Boehme solo // De Beren Gieren

Double bassist Anneleen Boehme is a real key figure in the Belgian jazz scene. She made a name for herself as the bassist of the LABtrio, founded her own band Grand Picture Palace in 2019 and has been working on her solo program, with which she and her double bass will open this evening.
De Beren Gieren are also key figures on the Belgian scene. The piano trio uses the flexibility of jazz to create grooves that invite you to tap along. Improvisation is the basis of their polyphonic music, which combines a wide range of influences between the lyrical minimalism of Erik Satie and the fractal pulsation of club music. The band recorded their seventh and latest album, entitled "What Eludes Us" (Sdban), in Bergen, Norway, with producer Jørgen Træen.

Tue, 21.01.2025

Anneleen Boehme solo: Anneleen Boehme (double bass), De Beren Gieren: Fulco Ottervanger (piano, fx, synths), Lieven Van Pée (double bass, electric bass), Simon Segers (drums, fx)


concert hall Start 20:00 Doors 19:00

22 €/12 € red. Presale Please note: vendors of presale-tickets may charge additional fees. 25 €/15 € red. Box Office nur Kartenzahlung

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